Casting your own rocks in just a few steps
The NOCH PROFI Casting Compound has been developed specially for this purpose. With this improved method, you will create deceptively realistic boulders, rock faces and formations as if by magic. No matter, whether you want to design a mountain range or a train embankment with individual rocks, the NOCH Rock Forming System offers the perfect solution

First, the Rock Casting Mould is sprayed with a release agent made from water and washing-up liquid. The mixing ratio is 20:1. Now you can also start filling it with NOCH PROFI Casting Compound. The enclosed casting frame helps you fill the casting mould evenly. After hardening, you can carefully push the single rock out of the mould and then build it into the landscape with the help of Modelling Compound.
The transitions are also modelled in this way. Then the rocks can be coloured. To do this, apply heavily diluted NOCH Nature Paints to the surface with a sponge dabber. You can repeat application of the different paints until the desired colour result has been achieved.